Sunday, January 3, 2016

Finding a Routine

Well, I survived the weekend. Making it through the Holidays feels like a big feat. I have had a lot of friends tell me that they were waiting until January 1, or even, tomorrow after the weekend and then they were going to go hard for real.
There's nothing wrong with that.. at all.
I have been at this for quite a while though, and when I really decided that I wasn't going to let PCOS be an excuse for me anymore, I decided I had to start right then and there. And starting over a holiday really made me learn a lot.
What did I learn? 
1.  I learned that the word "diet" is absolutely the worst word on the planet and should probably be banned from existence. 
A diet is so absurd. And I kind of feel insulted when I hear people say they are going to go on a diet, or they need a diet. I have even heard conversations recently about quick fixes, boosters, pills, and all this ridiculousness about using a diet to lose weight.
I want to make something absolutely clear - I am not on a diet. Absolutely not. I am changing my lifestyle, and becoming healthy. That might sound cliche but it is 100% my intention. I want to enjoy chocolate, eat fast food if it's necessary, eat pizza and drink beer while watching football and baseball, eat food and love it. I want to also love the person I see in the mirror, feel confident about the clothes I am wearing, enjoy shopping again, and be able to finish a half-marathon, just to say I did it and feel awesome about myself. PCOS ruins most of those things for me. It makes me feel terrible inside and outside. It makes me question everything about myself, often. It's a terrible demon to fight. But, the purpose of this lifestyle change is ALL OF THAT, to embrace who I am, find a way to love every flaw, feel healthy, enjoy my life, and not let PCOS control any part of me anymore, including my weight.
With that said, I am changing my diet. I am learning to eat healthier foods, and in smaller portion sizes. I am learning to control my emotional eating, and learning to keep loving food and it's purposes, but also using it to my advantage, not disadvantage. I chose Weight Watchers to follow because the program allows you to eat anything. There is no bad food, it's just all food. It all has a different value, and you have to learn to balance your food in take. THAT is what I want, balance. 

2. It is the 3rd day of January. The third day of 2016, and I have walked/jogged (exercised) outside THREE times. I have slowly started adding some runs/jogs into my walks and for the first time in a long time, I don't hurt, so I am excited to begin a C25K program again soon. I set a goal to walk/run 1,000 miles this year, but I want to up that goal to 2,000 miles! So far, I am over 12 miles! I can't wait to see how many miles I can actually get myself moving. I also struggle with the cold weather. I HATE wearing a coat, and I hate wearing shoes, let alone boots. Winter time doesn't agree with me. I have decided though to try to embrace this the best I can. By golly, it is flipping freezing out there, Monday, the real feel was 9 degrees and it was snowing when I went for my 3.31 walk. So, today the real feel of 22 degrees felt like summer. Even though, I'm still struggling to warm up! My work schedule makes it pretty impossible to get outside during the day light though, so I'm hoping that I can continue using the weekends to get outside and walk/run.

So... routine. What is that?
Tomorrow morning, I go back to school. I am excited to get myself into a routine, and think it will be easier to keep myself up and on track with one. Being at work keeps me busy. This past week, it was way too easy to be lazy. My sisters both play basketball too, so game nights will be both easy and hard. I want to force myself to leave work early on game days to work out in the high school weight room before games. ( I also struggle with working too much... it's a Teacher thing). I am a little nervous about how I will eat dinner on those nights though. It's so easy to eat concession stand food. I'm going to have to plan strategically to avoid that! The occasional popcorn might be okay though! :)

One last celebration!
1 pound lighter today than I was on my first weigh in date! I'll take what I can get.
Sundays will be my official weigh in days, so we'll check back in a week!

I am hoping and praying that I will be able to pick up my sleep machine this week! Sleep will make me feel like a whole new person, and I can't wait to feel all the energy it will give me!

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE feel free to connect with me, I would love to help, and support each other. We are in this together! You've got this! Facebook , Twitter, EMAIL 

You've got this! We've got this!

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