Sunday, January 10, 2016

Wait, the scale number is going down?

Week 2:
Total Pounds Lost: 6.7
Total Steps this week: 87,859
Average Sleep: 2 hours, 13 minutes

So this past week was my first week back to school. I was hoping to find myself in a routine and that it would help. Did I find a routine? Did it help?
Well..   sort of.
Yes, a routine in the sense that  I have to be at work at a certain time and I have to work certain hours, and I have a schedule and that forces me to be out of bed and moving. But, during basketball season, I don't think routine is possible. It was hard to get back into my work schedule and still find time for working out. I didn't want to, but I did find myself working out every day this week.
The best part of that last sentence is that I forced myself to leave work before 4:30 every single day this past week. Every day. I don't think that has ever happened in my teaching career so far. One of my goals for this year was to spend less time working passed my required time. So far, I think I'm doing a good job of that. I still did arrive at work way early, but I would rather be there early and leave early so that I can get some workout time in. The weather was very helpful this week, as I was able to walk outside 4 of the days and I was able to get into the school weight room one day.
Today is a different story. It is snowy, it is windy, and it is cold. I think this week will be much more wintry, and that makes me nervous because I HATE Working out inside. I absolutely HATE it. I would so much rather be outside walking/running.

Summary of the week:

1. I am exhausted, STILL. I can't wait to finally have a sleep machine and start sleeping like a normal person
2. I can't believe I've lost weight. Changing your mindset does wonders!
3. I think my body is going to turn into a sub. I ate Subway A LOT this week!
4. Why did I pay almost $8 for a bag of grapes today?
5. I am wearing a sweatshirt today that I refused  to wear in public a month ago. It seriously already fits better!
6. I hope this week doesn't result in a gain.
7. Check out what I made for brunch today!!

Seriously. That whole plate of deliciousness is only 8 points!!

Kodiak Cakes Protein Pancakes (1/2 cup)
1/2 cup Dannon Light and Fit Vanilla flavored Yogurt
2 tbsp PB2
1 banana

I stole this from a fellow WW member that I follow on Instagram - @Ilostbigandsocanyou

So Yummy!!

Here's my latest concerns- I HATE Working out inside. Absolutely hate it. But, with winter finally making an appearance in lower Michigan, do I pay for a Planet Fitness $10 membership and force myself to get to the gym, so that I know I'm working out?
How do people workout in the winter when it's actually snowy and Icy?
What do you do?

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